发布日期:2023-05-17来源:浏览次数:0次【字号 大 中 小】
翟亮(1980.5-),男,博士,研究员,现任中国测绘科学研究院地理信息系统与地图学研究所(自然资源行业密码应用研究中心)所长(主任)。2007年毕业于武汉大学地图制图学与地理信息工程专业,获博士学位。兼任《Int. Journal of Image and Data Fusion》副主编,《测绘科学》、《遥感信息》编委,中国测绘学会地理国情监测工作委员会副主任委员、测绘学名词审定工作委员会委员暨遥感技术专业组组长,地理国情监测技术应用国家地方联合工程研究中心学术委员会委员等。近年来,主要从事卫星遥感理论及应用、地理国情和自然资源监测等工作。获国家发明专利13项,出版学术专著3部、参编著作、教材、图集等多部,发表论文多篇,其中SCI/EI收录论文30余篇。荣获测绘科技进步特等奖2项、一等奖1项,地理信息科技进步特等奖1项、中国地理信息产业优秀工程金奖1项等。
l 著作:
1、 邹滨,翟亮,许珊,汤玉奇,陶超,邹峥嵘. 城市地理国情监测,科学出版社,2022.
2、 余凡,翟亮,张承明. 主被动遥感协同反演地表土壤水分方法,测绘出版社,2016.
3、 翟亮,唐新明. 光学遥感影像压缩质量评价研究,测绘出版社,2011.
l 代表性论文:
1、 Liang Zhai , Siyuan Cheng, Huiyong Sang, Wenhan Xie, Lin Gan, Tengbo Wang. Remote sensing evaluation of ecological restoration engineering effect: A case study of the Yongding River Watershed, China. Ecological Engineering. 2022, 182: 106724.
2、 Liang Zhai, Xianghui Gu, Yajing Feng, Dongqing Wu and Tengbo Wang. Use of Remote Sensing to Assess the Water-Saving Effect of Winter Wheat Fallow. Sustainability. 2021, 13(18): 10192.
3、 Wei Hou, Liang Zhai (Corresponding Author), Shanshan Feng, Ulrich Walz. (2021). Restoration priority assessment of coal mining brownfields from the perspective of enhancing the connectivity of green infrastructure networks. Journal of Environmental Management, 277: 111289.
4、 Wei Hou, Liang Zhai (Corresponding Author), Qinghua Qiao, Ulrich Walz. (2019) Monitoring the intensity of human impacts on anthropogenic landscape: A mapping case study in Beijing, China, Ecological Indicators, 102: 382–393.
5、 Liang Zhai, Na Zhang, Wei Hou, Zhixian Feng, Qinghua Qiao and Minghai Luo. (2018) From big data to big analysis: a perspective of geographical conditions monitoring, International Journal of Image and Data Fusion, 9(3): 194–208.
6、 Liang Zhai, Shuang Li, Bin Zou, Huiyong Sang, Xin Fang and Shan Xu (2018) An improved geographically weighted regression model for PM2.5 concentration estimation in large areas, Atmospheric Environment, 181: 145–154.
7、 Shuang Li, Liang Zhai (Corresponding Author), Bin Zou, Huiyong Sang and Xin Fang. (2017) A Generalized Additive Model Combining Principal Component Analysis for PM2.5 Concentration Estimation, ISPRS International Journal. Geo-Information, 6(8).
8、 Liang Zhai, Bin Zou, Xin Fang, Yanqing Luo, Neng Wan and Shuang Li (2016) Land Use Regression Modeling of PM2.5 Concentrations at Optimized Spatial Scales, Atmosphere, 8(1).
9、 Bin Zou, Jingwen Chen, Liang Zhai (Corresponding Author), Xin Fang and Zhong Zheng (2016) Satellite Based Mapping of Ground PM2.5 Concentration Using Generalized Additive Modeling, Remote Sensing, 9(1).
10、 Liang Zhai, Huiyong Sang, Yang Gao, Fang An, Ying Zhang and Shilei Wei (2015) A new approach for mapping regional land cover and the application of this approach in Australia, Remote Sensing Letters, 6(4):267-275.
11、 成思远, 张英, 翟亮(通信作者). 海岸线变化的单链曼延编号快速匹配方法[J]. 测绘学报, 2022, (08): 1817-1825.
12、 薛磊, 翟亮(通信作者), 李娜娜, 陶兰花. 一种动态分区的边境狭长区域网平差方法[J]. 遥感信息, 2019, 34(06):27-32.
13、 冯志贤, 张继贤, 侯伟, 翟亮(通信作者). 基于地表覆盖分类的生态环境人为干扰度分析——以北京市为例[J]. 生态学杂志, 2017, 36(02): 508-516.
14、 蒲强, 邹滨, 翟亮(通信作者), 郭宇, 桑会勇, Bilal Muhammad.集成多源遥感数据的PM2.5浓度空间分布制图[J]. 地球信息科学学报, 2016, 18(12): 1717-1724.
15、 李杰, 翟亮(通信作者), 桑会勇, 张英, 袁捷. PM2.5浓度插值中不同空间插值方法对比[J]. 测绘科学, 2016, 41(04): 50-54+101.