发布日期:2023-05-18来源:浏览次数:0次【字号 大 中 小】
主要从事自然资源调查监测、多尺度生态安全格局模拟分析、国土空间碳收支核算等方面的科研工作。发表论文40余篇,在Landscape and Urban Planning,Sustainable Cities and Society,Ecological Indicators,Journal of Environmental Management等期刊以第一/通讯作者发表SCI论文15篇,出版英文独著1本,获授权发明专利8项(第一完成人3项),软件著作权3项,地理信息科技进步一等奖和二等奖2项。
1. 国家自然科学基金委青年基金项目:基于PSR模型的景观人为干扰度综合制图与评估方法研究,主持,2018-2020.
2. 中国测绘科学研究院基本科研业务费:生态系统服务支撑下的绿色基础设施网络保护与修复,主持,2021-2023.
3. 国家地理国情监测项目:京津冀协同发展地理国情监测,技术负责,2016-2020.
4. 中国测绘科学研究院基本科研业务费:多尺度生态网络精细化建模及优化方法研究,主持,2019-2020.
1. Hou, W., Zhai, L., Walz, U. (2023). Identification of spatial conservation and restoration priorities for ecological networks planning in a highly urbanized region: A case study in Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei, China. Ecological Engineering 187, 106859. (中科院二区,IF:4.379)
2. Hou, W., Zhou, W., Li, J., & Li, C. (2022). Simulation of the potential impact of urban expansion on regional ecological corridors: A case study of Taiyuan, China. Sustainable Cities and Society, 83, 103933. (中科院一区,IF:10.696)
3. Hou, W., Zhai, L., Feng, S., & Walz, U. (2021). Restoration priority assessment of coal mining brownfields from the perspective of enhancing the connectivity of green infrastructure networks. Journal of Environmental Management, 277, 111289. (中科院一区,IF:8.910)
4. Hou, W., Zhai, L., Qiao, Q., & Walz, U. (2019). Monitoring the intensity of human impacts on anthropogenic landscape: A mapping case study in Beijing, China. Ecological Indicators, 102, 382–393. (中科院二区,IF:6.263)
5. Hou, W. (2017). Methodical basis for landscape structure analysis and monitoring: Inclusion of ecotones and small landscape elements. Rhombos-Verlag. Berlin.
6. Hou, W., Lu, X., Wu, P., Xue, A., & Li, L. (2017). An Integrated Approach for Monitoring and Information Management of the Guanling Landslide (China). ISPRS International Journal of Geo-Information, 6(3), 79.
7. Hou, W., Neubert, M., & Walz, U. (2017). A simplified econet model for mapping and evaluating structural connectivity with particular attention of ecotones, small habitats, and barriers. Landscape and Urban Planning, 160, 28–37. (中科院一区,IF:8.119)
8. Hou, W., & Walz, U. (2016). An integrated approach for landscape contrast analysis with particular consideration of small habitats and ecotones. Nature Conservation, 14, 25–39.
9. Hou, W., & Walz, U. (2014). Extraction of small biotopes and ecotones from multi-temporal RapidEye data and a high-resolution normalized digital surface model. International Journal of Remote Sensing, 35(20), 7245–7262.
10. Hou, W., & Walz, U. (2013). Enhanced analysis of landscape structure: Inclusion of transition zones and small-scale landscape elements. Ecological Indicators, 31, 15–24. (中科院二区,IF:6.263)
1. 土地资源综合监测关键技术及工程化应用,地理信息科技进步奖,一等奖,2018年(排名4);
2. 长江经济带绿色发展空间格局监测,地理信息科技进步奖,二等奖,2019年(排名5)。
1. 侯伟、翟亮、乔庆华等,一种区域自然生态地理国情质量综合测度方法,专利号ZL201710373474.4.
2. 侯伟、翟亮、刘佳等,一种基于矢量数据的生境网络构建方法,专利号202010064147.2。
3. 侯伟、翟亮、乔庆华等,一种城市生态空间均衡测度与城市生态格局综合评价方法,专利号ZL202210481980.6。