摘要速递|IJIDF 第14卷 第3期
发布日期:2023-12-08来源:中国测绘科学研究院浏览次数:0次【字号 大 中 小】
Statistical modelling of digital elevation models for GNSS-based navigation
Hiba Al-Assaad, Christophe Boucher, Ali Daher, Ahmad Shahin & Jean-Charles Noyer
Pages: 205-224
To cite this article:
Hiba Al-Assaad, Christophe Boucher, Ali Daher, Ahmad Shahin & Jean-Charles Noyer (2023) Statistical modelling of digital elevation models for GNSS-based navigation, International Journal of Image and Data Fusion, 14:3, 205-224, DOI: 10.1080/19479832.2023.2218376.
Synergistic retrievals of leaf area index and soil moisture from Sentinel-1 and Sentinel-2
T. Quaife, E. M. Pinnington, P. Marzahn, T. Kaminski, M. Vossbeck, J. Timmermans, C. Isola, B. Rommen & A. Loew
Pages: 225-242
To cite this article:
T. Quaife, E. M. Pinnington, P. Marzahn, T. Kaminski, M. Vossbeck, J. Timmermans, C. Isola, B. Rommen& A. Loew (2023) Synergistic retrievals of leaf area index and soil moisture from Sentinel-1 and Sentinel-2, International Journal of Image and Data Fusion, 14:3, 225-242, DOI: 10.1080/19479832.2022.2149629.
Assessment of micro-vibrations effect on the quality of remote sensing satellites images
Mohamed A. Ali, Fawzy Eltohamy, Adel Abd-Elrazek & Mohamed E. Hanafy
Pages: 243-260
To cite this article:
Mohamed A. Ali, FawzyEltohamy, Adel Abd-Elrazek& Mohamed E. Hanafy (2023) Assessment of micro-vibrations effect on the quality of remote sensing satellites images, International Journal of Image and Data Fusion, 14:3, 243-260, DOI: 10.1080/19479832.2023.2167874.
Research on adaptive enhancement of robot vision image based on multi-scale filter
Qin Dong
Pages: 261-277
To cite this article:
Qin Dong (2023) Research on adaptive enhancement of robot vision image based on multi-scale filter, International Journal of Image and Data Fusion, 14:3, 261-277, DOI: 10.1080/19479832.2022.2149630.
Whale- crow search optimisation enabled deep convolutional neural network for flood detection
Madhuri Balasaheb Mulik, Jayashree V. & Pandurangarao N. Kulkarni
Pages: 278-298
To cite this article:
Madhuri BalasahebMulik, Jayashree V. &Pandurangarao N. Kulkarni (2023) Whale- crow search optimisation enabled deep convolutional neural network for flood detection, International Journal of Image and Data Fusion, 14:3, 278-298, DOI: 10.1080/19479832.2023.2186957.
卫星影像在洪水探测领域更具吸引力。对于紧急情况下的决策支持,洪水检测起着至关重要的作用,但如何更有效地利用卫星影像进行洪水地区检测成为当前技术障碍之一。本文在深度卷积神经网络(W-CSA DCNN)方法的基础上,创新了一种名为Whale- crow搜索算法的模型用于洪水检测。该模型主要包含预处理、分类、分割和特征提取四个步骤。为了从输入影像中获取相关信息,首先将卫星影像进行预处理,然后根据植被指数获取特征,将预处理后的影像进行特征提取过程。通过Kernel Fuzzy Auto regressive(KFAR)模型,将获取特征用于分割过程中,然后将分割图像用于分类,该分类通过 DCNN 进行,并通过 W-CSA 进行验证,W-CSA 是Crow Search Algorithm (CSA)和Whale optimisationalgorithm (WOA)的组合。特异性、准确性和灵敏度分别为0.982、0.972和0.975,该方法比现有方法具有更高的性能。
(文/ 谢文寒、孙晓霞)