摘要速递|IJIDF第15卷 第一期
发布日期:2024-07-09来源:中国测绘科学研究院浏览次数:0次【字号 大 中 小】
A brief overview and perspective of using airborne Lidar data for forest biomass estimation
Dengsheng Lu & Xiandie Jiang
Pages: 1-24
To cite this article:
Lu, D., & Jiang, X. (2024). A brief overview and perspective of using airborne Lidar data for forest biomass estimation. International Journal of Image and Data Fusion, 15(1), 1–24.
Satellite image fusion using cyclic spatio-spectral GAN model
Mahmoud M. Hammad, Tarek A. Mahmoud, A. S. Amein & Tarek M. Ghoniemy
Pages: 25-43
To cite this article:
Hammad, M. M., Mahmoud, T. A., Amein, A. S., & Ghoniemy, T. M. (2023). Satellite image fusion using cyclic spatio-spectral GAN model. International Journal of Image and Data Fusion, 15(1), 25–43.
Efficient image fusion method using improved Bi-dimensional Empirical Mode Decomposition
Abdelkader Moustafa Radwane Ghellab
Pages: 44-72
To cite this article:
Radwane Ghellab, A. M. (2024). Efficient image fusion method using improved Bi-dimensional Empirical Mode Decomposition. International Journal of Image and Data Fusion, 15(1), 44–72.
A variational driven optimization framework for pansharpening of multispectral images
Y Ramakrishna & Richa Agrawal
Pages: 73-87
To cite this article:
Ramakrishna, Y., & Agrawal, R. (2023). A variational driven optimization framework for pansharpening of multispectral images. International Journal of Image and Data Fusion, 15(1), 73–87.
Spatial enhancement of Landsat-9 land surface temperature imagery by Fourier transformation-based panchromatic fusion
Kul Vaibhav Sharma, Vijendra Kumar, Sumit Khandelwal & Nivedita Kaul
Pages: 88-109
To cite this article:
Sharma, K. V., Kumar, V., Khandelwal, S., & Kaul, N. (2023). Spatial enhancement of Landsat-9 land surface temperature imagery by Fourier transformation-based panchromatic fusion. International Journal of Image and Data Fusion, 15(1), 88–109.
Building classification extraction from remote sensing images combining hyperpixel and maximum interclass variance
Hongning Qin & Zili Li
Pages: 110-127
To cite this article:
Qin, H., & Li, Z. (2024). Building classification extraction from remote sensing images combining hyperpixel and maximum interclass variance. International Journal of Image and Data Fusion, 15(1), 110–127.
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